Volume 13, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2019)                   mljgoums 2019, 13(1): 12-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Salar amoli S, Besharat S, Emami razavi A N, Ayatollahi A, Joshaghani H. Lack of Association between Selenium Level and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Expression in Breast Cancer Tissue. mljgoums 2019; 13 (1) :12-14
URL: http://mlj.goums.ac.ir/article-1-1104-en.html
1- cancer research center,Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan,Iran
2- cancer research center,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences Research Center, Gorgan, Iran
4- Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences Research Center, Gorgan, Iran , Hr_joshaghani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10355 Views)

Background and Objective: HER-2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is one such gene that can play a role in the development of breast cancer by making HER-2 proteins (receptorson breast cells). Normally, HER-2 receptors control breast cells grow and Division.  HER-2 protein over expression is the cause of up to 20% of breast cancers. The phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) pathway is important in the oncogenic function of HER-2. 

It has been reported compounds including Se, such as selenite significantly attenuated oxidative-stress-induced activation of the PI3K signaling pathways and can exhibit antitumor activity by downregulating PI3K activation.

 In this study, we evaluated Association of tissue selenium level and Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2) expression in breast cancer.


Se contents and expression of HER-2 were determined in 30 tissue collected from 30 women diagnosed with breast cancer based on immunohistochemistry (HER-2) and atomic absorption (Se).


About 30% of the samples were positive for HER-2 expression. Mean level of tissue selenium in tumors for positive and negative HER-2 was 268.15 µg/l and 206.43µg/l respectively. So, there was no significant association between selenium level and HER-2 expression. (p>0.005)


There is no Association of tissue selenium level and HER-2 expression in breast cancer.


Selenium, HER-2, breast cancer

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Research Article: Original Paper |
Received: 2018/07/12 | Accepted: 2018/07/12 | Published: 2018/07/12 | ePublished: 2018/07/12

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