
Medical Laboratory Journal (MLJ)

E-ISSN: 2538-4449


Ownership: School of Paramedicin, Golestan University of Medical Sciences
Publisher:   Deputy of Research and Technology, Golestan University of Medical Science
Director: Yazdani Y (Faculty member)
Editor-in-Chief: Joshaghani HR (Professor)

mljgoums.ac.ir , mljgoumsyahoo.com

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Medical Laboratory Journal

2024، Volume 18، Number 2

Online ISSN: 2538-4449

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Yaghoub Yazdani

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hamidreza Joshaghani

View The Current Issue

  • :: Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Bacterial Infections in Dermatology Inpatients: A Cross-Sectional Study from Northern Iran

    :: The East Darfur Region's Tuberculosis Prevalence and Trends 2023

    :: The association of Chemerin, Vaspin levels and Epstein-Barr virus infection in patients with Type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy

    :: The effect of aerobic exercise and psilocybin following methamphetamine induction on gene expression of some cerebral cortex semaphorins in female Wistar rats

    :: Incidence of Phototherapy Induced Hypocalcemia In Neonates With Hyperbilirubinemia

    :: Association among liver biochemical parameters, thyroid gland hormones and TNF-alpha in hypothyroid patients compared to euthyroid subjects

    :: Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio: A Useful Predictor of Glycemic Control in Diabetic Patients

    :: Predicting sickle cell disease severity with hematological parameters, Hb F level, F cell count, Percentage of sickled cells after in vitro induction of sickling and biochemical parameters.

    :: Preliminary phytochemical screening and antitrichomonal activity of Ferula pseudalliacea

    :: Relationships between lipid profile and HbA1c levels in diabetic patients

    :: The effect of 10 weeks of combined training on gene expression of nuclear factor κB and sirtuin 1 in fast and slow twitch muscles in elderly male rats


    :: Mutagenesis in DYRK1B by Overlap Extension-PCR (OE-PCR) and Synthesis of Recombinant Lentivirus Carrying the Mutated Gene (DYRK1B R102C) Involved in Metabolic Syndrome

    :: An update on the increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant pathogens found in mechanically ventilated patients in central India

    :: Clinico-epidemiology of Community and Hospital acquired Staphylococcus aureus sepsis in children. ICU needs and a change in resistance pattern.

    :: Assessment of Parasitic Contamination in the Soil of Public Parks: Gorgan City, 2022

    :: Discriminator Indices for Screening of Beta-thalassemia Trait in resource-constrained laboratories – Defining the new optimal cut-off values.


    :: A study of prognostic significance of serum magnesium and serum potassium levels in acute stroke.

    :: JAK2 mutation, a potential cause of increasing Hemoglobin level in symptomatic aged women

    :: Cell Population Data Analysis for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of COVID-19: A Case-Control Study

    :: Overdiagnosis of Epithelial Abnormalities in Atrophic Cervical Pap Smears

    :: Infantile presentation of osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome: A rare case report

    :: Investigation of simultaneous effect of resistance training and atorvastatin in improving nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Rats fed high fat/fructose diet

    :: The effect of a period of intense functional training on IL-10, Dectin-1, IL-1Ra in prediabetic obese women

Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 18، Number 2
  • E-ISSN: 2538-4449
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr. Yaghoub Yazdani
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hamidreza Joshaghani
  • Publisher: School of Paramedicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences

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